C-Bond: Ballistic Resistant Window Film
Life’s unpredictable. When it comes to the safety of your school, office, or business, you can’t afford to take chances. That’s why there’s C-Bond Systems. C-Bond window film systems offer Long Island buildings maximum security and advanced protection. C-Bond is a scientifically advanced security window film that has ballistic resistant capabilities. Designed to make glass stronger, C-Bond uses nanotechnology to reconfigure glass at the molecular level for advanced performance and impact protection.

How C-Bond Works
C-Bond is a liquid primer that’s applied to glass and window film products. C-Bond penetrates deep into the pores of glass where it works to alter its molecular composition and eliminate any areas of weakness or imperfection. Additionally, it ensures proper adhesion of window film to glass. In this way, C-Bond actually makes glass strong enough to endure ballistic forces and high levels of impact. C-Bond Systems are scientifically tested and approved in accordance with government standards.
C-Bond Window Film Benefits
From high rise buildings and hotels to schools, airports, and government offices, buildings of all types and sizes in Long Island can enjoy the benefits of C-Bond. Installing C-Bond window film systems can provide many advantages including:
- Protection against thieves and intruders
- Resistance to high speed winds and explosives
- Lower risk of glass related injuries
- Advanced performance of window film products
- Many other security benefits
Get a Quote on C-Bond Window Film in Long Island
Keep the things and people you care about most out of harm’s way. Get advanced protection for your building with C-Bond window film systems. Call Long Island Window Film today to receive an estimate on C-Bond for your office, school, or commercial property.